

Quick & Easy Mini Chicken Pot Pie 简易迷你鸡肉锅饼 (中英食谱教程)

These quick and easy mini chicken pot pies which uses the frozen puff pastry is not only tasty but makes a great snack anytime. You can actually freeze it for up to a month after baked , just warm up before consume. I had two last night to fix my 'hunger pang' just before going to bed. Somehow, these days I can't go to bed with an empty stomach (err..actually not quite empty as I still take my daily dose of dark chocolates before bedtime) and I will be snacking on bread, cakes and cookies etc. My dear hubby is so jealous of me as he commented that no matter how much I eat, regardless of timing, I don't seems to put on weight whereas he has to control his diet, exercise lots but hardly loose any weight! ;p

这迷你鸡肉锅饼 ,使用了冷冻酥皮不仅容易做也很美味。烘好的锅饼冷却后可以放进冰箱冻结长达一个月。想吃时,拿出来烘热就可以享用了。最近不知怎么的,晚上临睡前会有饥饿的感觉,昨晚就热了两个鸡肉锅饼,吃下了才睡得着!其实我一向来的习惯是每晚都要吃黑巧克力,但最近黑巧克力好像没法“安抚”我睡,总是要找些面包,饼干,小吃的。老公超羡慕也很嫉妒我不管怎么吃,都不会发胖,反而他得控制饮食,多多运动,但还是减不了重! :p


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