

Non-bake Blackcurrant Yogurt Cheesecake & Cupcakes 免烤黑加仑优格乳酪蛋糕 (中英食谱教程)

This month I will be sharing mainly cakes and desserts using yogurt as one of the ingredients as I am hosting the Little Thumbs Up baking/cooking event (Yogurt theme) organized by Zoe and Doreen. I would like to start off by sharing this non-bake blackcurrant yogurt cheesecake which my family loves. I have used the following recipe to make one 5 inch round cake and 12 mini cupcakes. The 5 inch round cake was made for my dear granny's helper's birthday and the 12 mini cupcakes were made for our visiting guests from Australia. With the same amount of ingredients, you can also make one 9 inch round cake. This is a light and refreshing cheesecake which you will not hesitate to go for a second helping!

这个月因为主持“小拇指说好 -优格之旅活动, 我将会经常与大家分享用优格食材的食谱。首先就让我推荐这免烤黑加仑优格乳酪蛋糕 ,吃起来不仅清爽又美味,值得一试!


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