

Quick & Easy Breadmaker French Loaf 简易法式面包机食谱(中英加图对照食谱)

This is my first time using Baguette flour to bake and I love the taste and texture of the french loaf which this flour has yielded. The baguette flour besides suitable for making baguettes & french loaf, it is also suitable for sourdough and all types of crusty artisan bread as it is able to give a rich flavour, crusty outer layer and great inner holes.

My hubby who loves artisan bread gave a big thumbs up for this french loaf using the baguette flour as he loves the texture so much more compared to the Breadmaker Wholemeal French Loaf which I have baked using bread flour previously. I foresee myself to be baking bread more with this baguette flour to please my other half. ;)

Click 'HERE' for the list of stores where you can buy this baguette flour.


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