

Wholemeal Garlic Foccacia 全麦葱香佛卡夏 (中英加图对照食谱)

In a mood to make some bread and decided on foccacia, instead of the usual olive, tomato and rosemary, I have added minced garlic and parmesan cheese powder. I have also added wholemeal flour to make this Italian flat bread more wholesome and healthy. It turned out super fragrant and nice! 😋 In fact while it was baking, the roasted garlic aroma filled the whole house!

心血来潮想做面包,就用直接法做了这佛卡夏。这次不像平常放橄榄,番茄和迷迭香,反而放了大蒜和帕梅森起司粉更加美味!😋 烘焙时,香气充满了整个屋子也!太喜欢了!

At the same time, I want to share my joy with you especially if you are new to my blog. In the latest bimonthly and bilingual "食尚品味 Gourmet Living Magazine" April/May 2016 issue, it features 8 pages of 'Baking Tatiai' where you can read about my interview as well as my three new healthy recipes. You can get a copy for $4.80 from major bookstores like Popular and Kinokuniya, selected newsstands, petrol kiosks and supermarkets like NTUC and Cold Storage from 18 April 2016 onwards. For my international readers, you may email: to place your order and have it delivered to you.



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