

Japanese Cream Cheese Chiffon Cake 日式奶油乳酪戚风蛋糕(中英加图对照食谱)

This is one of the best chiffon cake that I have ever made as it's so delicate and smooth and literally melts in the mouth! Everyone who tries the cake, loves it's super smooth and moist texture. Hub and kids went for second and third helpings after eating a piece!


Really love this recipe taught by a Japanese champion cake talent. In the past, I used to whip up the meringue till stiff peak stage when making chiffon cake, now I have learnt that the best meringue stage is firm peak stage and it's best for making chiffon cake. Firm peak stage is in between soft peak and stiff peak, thus you have to concentrate hard while beating the egg whites in order not to overbeat it.

好喜欢这日本蛋糕达人所教的配方喔! 以往我都是把蛋白霜打到硬性发泡,现在才学到必须把蛋白打成较湿的中性发泡蛋白霜。这是介于湿性发泡与硬性发泡之间的阶段,蛋白霜立起的圆锥状前端微微往下低垂,才是制作戚风蛋糕最理想的蛋白霜状态!所以打发蛋白霜时,一定要专心,不可以打发过头哦!

Another tip for achieving soft, delicate and moist chiffon cake is to use more egg white than egg yolk. Thus, it is better to separate the egg white and egg yolk first then measure out the weight according to the recipe. This recipe is a definite keeper and I am sure gonna bake this again soon!



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