

Bak Kwa Cookies 肉干曲奇 (中英加图对照食谱)

Today is the fifth day of the Chinese New Year. In two days time, it will mark the seventh day of the first month on the Lunar calendar, traditionally known as 'Renri' (人日)which means the common man's birthday and everyone grows one year older. Coincidentally, 14 February is also the western Valentine's Day.

I have made some heart-shaped bak kwa (pork jerky) cookies specially for my dear hubby. Bak Kwa is a traditional and popular Chinese New Year snack food in Singapore and Malaysia to welcome the prosperity of the coming year and are often bought as lavish gifts for friends and family. Due to a super busy schedule, I do not have the time to prepare my own Homemade Bak Kwa this year. I have used store-bought ones for this recipe and the savoury cookies turned out to be flavorful and tasty. Do give it a try when you have the time. Here's wishing everyone an advance 'Happy Birthday' and 'Happy Valentine's Day'!



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