

Quick & Easy Moist Gluten-Free Brownies 简易湿润无麸质布朗尼 (中英加图食谱)

It's been a long time since I last shared a recipe here. These days I'm busier guiding my boy who is in the Gifted education programme (GEP) on top of doing my endless household chores.

Well, this doesn't mean that I've stopped baking or sharing recipes. I'm still active in sharing recipes as well as my food adventures but over at Instagram (IG). So do click 'HERE' and follow me on Instagram if you would like to see more frequent and active updates from me. :) Now and then, I will share videos of my food preparations in IG stories which last for 24 hours after posting, you can also find the past IG videos at the highlights where my Instagram bio is.

Here's sharing a really simple brownie recipe which I've baked last Friday for my boy's 11th birthday. A gluten-free and fuss free recipe as no mixer is required at all!

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